Canadian Packaging

Functional silk-based inks now printable on inkjet printers

By Canadian Packaging staff   

Design & Innovation Coding & Labeling bio-ink Gizmag inkjet printer inks silk-based ink Tufts University

Researchers at Tufts University develop bio ink that withstand being processed by inkjet printers.

Utilizing a silk-based ink, researchers at Tufts University at Medford, Mass, have developed a more heat resistive bio-ink that can be printed on inkjet printers.

Bio-inks have, in the past, been used to be drawn directly onto human skin et al to help monitor such medical concerns as glucose levels, but the fact that the inks are highly heat sensitive has meant it is impracticable to be produced on a wider scale via inkjet printers.

But now, thanks to the Tufts team, it has created a silk-based ink that contains bacteria-sensing agents that can produced on such printers, meaning a wider application of biomolecules.

To read the complete story written by Lakshmi Sandhana on July 27, 2015, visit by clicking HERE.


Image above: The word “contaminated” printed on surgical gloves with a bacteria-sensing silk-ink that reacts to the presence of bacteria, changing color from blue to red (Credit: Tufts University).


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