Canadian Packaging

The Ultimate Packaging Optimization Course

By Canadian Packaging staff   

Design & Innovation PAC PAC NEXT Packaging Consortium The Ultimate Packaging Optimization Course

PAC workshop provides a life-cycle approach to package design to reduce waste, lower costs and increase recovery on November 17 in Toronto.

PAC NEXT—an initiative of PAC, Packaging Consortium that features a vision of A World without Packaging Waste—is once again offering its workshop-based packaging design course—The Ultimate Packaging Optimization Course—that will provide the tools and insights to deliver better packaging solutions based on taking a life cycle approach.

The workshop is suitable for anyone working within the packaging value chain from designers, developers and decision makers to raw material suppliers, manufacturers, brand owners and retailers to waste management, re-processors and municipalities.

Course Content of Four Workshops
Session 1 – Why packaging optimization?
The importance of packaging optimization for the total value chain including on-line retailing

  • Meeting the challenges of EPR, sustainability and food waste the PAC NEXT Way.

Session 2 – Design for recovery and recycling

  • Taking a life cycle approach – metrics, scorecards, LCA tools;
  • Designs that work in MRFs.

Session 3 – Design for food waste reduction

  • Case studies;
  • Global overview;
  • Who’s who of solution providers

Session 4 – Putting it all together

  • How to set up and maintain a successful packaging optimization strategy;
  • Finding balance for optimization +sustainability + food waste.

Course presenters are PAC NEXT executive director Alan Blake, and program manager Rachel Morier.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015
8:00 a.m. -Registration
8:30 a.m. – Course start
12:00 p.m. – Lunch
4:30 p.m. – Adjournment


PAC, Packaging Consortium
1 Concorde Gate, Suite 607
Toronto, ON M3C 3N6

PAC Members: $495.00 plus HST
Non Members: $695.00 plus HST

To Register, click HERE

Says Canadian Packaging features editor Andrew Joseph: “I took the course last year, and not only did I learn a lot about packaging and the packaging industry, I had fun doing it, thanks to the energetic and witty way the course was presented by Alan Blake and Rachel Morier.”


Contact for more information:
Alan Blake
Executive Director
Lindsey Ogle
PAC, Packaging Consortium


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