Canadian Packaging

Paintainer perfect for picky cats

Canadian Packaging   

Design & Innovation Sustainability Design Plastic Paintainer Petzeba RPC Superfos Unipak

Petzeba produces and sells own-brand pet food for cats and dogs

The five-litre Paintainer, which can hold 2.5 kg of cat food, features a convenient handle and beautiful yellow and black artwork that shows playful cats chasing butterflies. It comes with UniPak measuring cups from RPC Superfos, which help Petzeba’s customers serve the right quantities.

The fact that the Paintainer pail keeps oxygen out, safeguarding the freshness and taste of the contents, is the key element for Petzeba – and a particularly important requirement for cat food generally, as cats are notoriously exacting about their food.

“Cats are very picky eaters and ever so sensitive to freshness,” says Markus Zemp, Founder and Managing Director of Petzeba. “That’s why it is so important to keep out the oxygen. Our emphasis is very much on best quality ingredients and we appreciate that our cat food can remain intact in the Paintainer pail.”

Another reason Petzeba chose the RPC Superfos solution is the ease of use it delivers. Simple to open and re-close, it is practically sized and fits easily into convenient spaces in any home. Owners simply place the cat food into the pail from a bag.


A further benefit is the pail’s reusability and this also enhances the sustainability profile of the packaging, as Markus Zemp continues:

“Another advantage of the storage pail is the durable quality. It can be re-filled multiple times and stays as new. Sustainability is important to us, also in respect of packaging, and we appreciate the fact that the Paintainer pail can be used over and over again.”

The attractive artwork of the container for Petzeba is the result of all 23 employees at the company sharing their ideas before involving a specialist from RPC Superfos, who then refined the layout and colours – an example of the collaborative approach that defined the two companies’ relationship.

“We have experienced high-quality personal advice and have been introduced to a number of possible options before making our final decision,” concludes Markus. “We are more than pleased with our collaboration with RPC Superfos and plan to launch a similar storage solution for dry dog food.”


Based in Alberswil, Switzerland, Petzeba produces and sells own-brand pet food for cats and dogs, and acts as a distributor of pet food for other producers.



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